PS:该项目为公司项目,我还是给他的名字屏蔽掉吧,这是我用PowerShell写的一个自动化升级工具,此为三部自动化工具的第三部,是用PowerShell配置SharePoint页面的web parts' settings以及生成相关的SharePoint数据以支持web part的正常工作。
本次内容为*** Home Page自动部署三步中最后一步,将完成*** HomePage主Jira上“HomePage各web part配置文档”中第九步之后的所有关于配置web part的相关内容。
自动配置My Documents web part settings
自动配置Site Management web part settings
自动配置My Tasks web part settings
自动创建Scanned Documents所需要的Task List并命名为“***Tasks”
自动配置Administration web part settings
自动配置Quick Links web part settings
自动创建Quick Links web part所关联的Links List
自动添加五种column到All Items view下
Method:Right click and run it with PowerShell.
#This third solution should be used after the second solution which keeps a name of "HomePage Auto-Create"
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Initializing..."
$Time = Get-Date
$Today = $Time.year.toString() + "." + $Time.month.toString() + "." + ($
$siteURL = "" + $Today + ".HomePage"
$HomePageURL = "" + $Today + ".HomePage/Pages/***HomePage.aspx"
$HomePageSiteCollection = Get-SPSite -Identity $siteURL
$HomePageWeb = $HomePageSiteCollection.rootweb
$HomePagePubWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($HomePageWeb)
$HomePage = $HomePagePubWeb.GetPublishingPage($HomePageURL)
Write-Host "Begin to configure the HomePage web parts..."
$HomePageWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = $true
$limitedWebPartManager = $HomePage.ListItem.File.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
#Modify the configuration information of the My Documents web part.
Write-Host "Begin to configure the My Documents web part..."
$MyDocumentsWebPart = $limitedWebPartManager.WebParts|where{$_.DisplayTitle -like '*My Documents*'}
$MyDocumentsWebPart.SearchServiceName = "SharePoint_Search_Proxy_***"
$MyDocumentsWebPart.DataBaseName = "DocAve6_ReportDB_***"
$MyDocumentsWebPart.ServerName = "***DB"
$MyDocumentsWebPart.Description = "Document Management Web Part"
$MyDocumentsWebPart.ChromeType = "TitleOnly"
#Modify the configuration information of the Site Management web part.
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Site Management web part..."
$SiteManagementWebPart = $limitedWebPartManager.WebParts|where{$_.DisplayTitle -like '*Site Management*'}
$SiteManagementWebPart.DataBaseName = "DocAve6_ReportDB_***"
$SiteManagementWebPart.ServerName = "***DB"
$SiteManagementWebPart.SearchServiceName = "SharePoint_Search_Proxy_***"
$SiteManagementWebPart.ChromeType = "TitleOnly"
#Modify the configuration information of the My Tasks web part.
Write-Host "Begin to configure the My Tasks web part..."
$MyTasksWebPart = $limitedWebPartManager.WebParts|where{$_.DisplayTitle -like '*Task*'}
$MyTasksWebPart.ChromeType = "TitleOnly"
#Create the task list
#$HomePageWeb.ListTemplates|where{$ -like 'tasks'}
Write-Host "Begin to create the tasks list with the name of '***Tasks' to work for the scanned documents module..."
$listTemplate = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListTemplateType]::Tasks
$ListCollection = $HomePageWeb.Lists
$ListCollection.Add("***Tasks","Work for *** HomePage My Tasks web part.",$listTemplate)
$TasksList = $HomePageWeb.Lists|where{$_.title -like '***Tasks'}
$TasksList.OnQuickLaunch = "True"
#Scanned Documents settings
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Scanned Documents module..."
$MyTasksWebPart.ScanDocument_Title = "Scanned Documents"
$MyTasksWebPart.ScanDocument_LinkScript = "#"
#Service Catalogue settings
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Service Catalogue module..."
$MyTasksWebPart.ServiceCatalogue_Title = "Service Catalogue"
$MyTasksWebPart.ServiceCatalogue_Link = "#"
#Workflow settings
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Workflow module(Only basic)..."
$MyTasksWebPart.Workflow_Title = "Workflow"
$MyTasksWebPart.Workflow_Link = "#"
#SS settings
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Target for the scanned documents module..."
$MyTasksWebPart.SS_TargetWebUrl = $siteURL
$MyTasksWebPart.SS_TargetListName = "***Tasks"
$MyTasksWebPart.SS_RequestRootUrl_SC = "https://***"
#Create the Links list
#$HomePageWeb.ListTemplates|where{$ -like 'tasks'}
Write-Host "Begin to create the Links list to work for the Quick Links web part..."
$listTemplate = $HomePageWeb.ListTemplates|where{$ -like 'custom list'}
$ListCollection = $HomePageWeb.Lists
$ListCollection.Add("Links","Work for *** HomePage Quick Links web part.",$listTemplate)
$LinksList = $HomePageWeb.Lists|where{$_.title -like 'Links'}
Write-Host "Add the quick launch for Links list..."
$LinksList.OnQuickLaunch = "True"
#Create column fields to the list
Write-Host "Create the fields..."
$TextFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Text
$NumberFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Number
$ChoiceFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Choice
#Add choices under the choice field
$choices = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
#Add the fields to the Links List
Write-Host "Add the fields to the Links list..."
$DescriptionField = $LinksList.Fields.Add("Description",$TextFieldType,$false)
$OrderField = $LinksList.Fields.Add("Order",$NumberFieldType,$false)
$RedirectURLField = $LinksList.Fields.Add("RedirectURL",$TextFieldType,$false)
$RedirectMethodField = $LinksList.Fields.Add("RedirectMethod",$ChoiceFieldType,$false,$false,$choices)
#Add the fields to the Links List's default view
Write-Host "Add the fields to the All Items view..."
$LinksDefaultView = $LinksList.views|where{$_.views -like 'All Items'}
#Add the "Try to find a site?" item to the Links list
Write-Host "Add the 'Try to find a site?' item to the Links list..."
$DefaultListItem = $LinksList.AddItem()
$DefaultListItem["Title"] = "Try to find a site?"
$DefaultListItem["Description"] = "FNA(Financial News Alert)"
$DefaultListItem["Order"] = 1
$DefaultListItem["RedirectURL"] = "https://***"
$DefaultListItem["RedirectMethod"] = "_self"
#Modify the configuration information of the Quick Links web part.
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Quick Links web part..."
$QuickLinksWebPart = $limitedWebPartManager.WebParts|where{$_.DisplayTitle -like '*Quick Links*'}
$QuickLinksWebPart.ChromeType = "TitleOnly"
#Modify the configuration information of the Administration web part.
Write-Host "Begin to configure the Administration web part..."
$AdministrationWebPart = $limitedWebPartManager.WebParts|where{$_.DisplayTitle -like '*Administration*'}
$AdministrationWebPart.ChromeType = "None"
$AdministrationWebPart.DesktopActivityLogURL = " test"
$AdministrationWebPart.TaxonomyManagementURL = "***TaxonomyManagement/TaxonomyManagement.aspx"
$AdministrationWebPart.CollaborationDashboardURL = ""
$AdministrationWebPart.ServiceCatalogueAdministrationURL = "https://***"
$AdministrationWebPart.DocAveURL = "https://***"
#Save the changes to the web parts
Write-Host "Begin to save all the configurations..."
Write-Host "The HomePage has been configured successfully!"
Read-Host "Press any key to continue"