
勿忘初心2018-09-25 15:13




private PackageParser.Package scanPackageDirtyLI(PackageParser.Package pkg, int parseFlags,
int scanFlags, long currentTime, UserHandle user) throws PackageManagerException {
final File scanFile = new File(pkg.codePath);
if (pkg.packageName.equals("android")) {


// Initialize package source and resource directories
File destCodeFile = new File(pkg.applicationInfo.getCodePath());
File destResourceFile = new File(pkg.applicationInfo.getResourcePath());

SharedUserSetting suid = null;
PackageSetting pkgSetting = null;

// writer
synchronized (mPackages) {

// Check if we are renaming from an original package name.
PackageSetting origPackage = null;
String realName = null;
if (pkg.mOriginalPackages != null) {
// This package may need to be renamed to a previously
// installed name. Let's check on that...
final String renamed = mSettings.mRenamedPackages.get(pkg.mRealPackage);
if (pkg.mOriginalPackages.contains(renamed)) {
// This package had originally been installed as the
// original name, and we have already taken care of
// transitioning to the new one. Just update the new
// one to continue using the old name.
realName = pkg.mRealPackage;
if (!pkg.packageName.equals(renamed)) {
// Callers into this function may have already taken
// care of renaming the package; only do it here if
// it is not already done.

} else {
for (int i=pkg.mOriginalPackages.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
if ((origPackage = mSettings.peekPackageLPr(
pkg.mOriginalPackages.get(i))) != null) {
// We do have the package already installed under its
// original name... should we use it?
if (!verifyPackageUpdateLPr(origPackage, pkg)) {
// New package is not compatible with original.
origPackage = null;
} else if (origPackage.sharedUser != null) {
// Make sure uid is compatible between packages.
if (! {
Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to migrate data from " +
+ " to " + pkg.packageName + ": old uid "
+ " differs from " + pkg.mSharedUserId);
origPackage = null;
} else {
if (DEBUG_UPGRADE) Log.v(TAG, "Renaming new package "
+ pkg.packageName + " to old name " +;

// Just create the setting, don't add it yet. For already existing packages
// the PkgSetting exists already and doesn't have to be created.
pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPw(pkg, origPackage, realName, suid, destCodeFile,
destResourceFile, pkg.applicationInfo.nativeLibraryRootDir,
pkg.applicationInfo.flags, pkg.applicationInfo.privateFlags,
user, false);
if ((parseFlags&PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR) == 0) {
// Check all shared libraries and map to their actual file path.
// We only do this here for apps not on a system dir, because those
// are the only ones that can fail an install due to this. We
// will take care of the system apps by updating all of their
// library paths after the scan is done.
updateSharedLibrariesLPw(pkg, null);
pkg.applicationInfo.uid = pkgSetting.appId;
pkg.mExtras = pkgSetting;
if (shouldCheckUpgradeKeySetLP(pkgSetting, scanFlags)) {
if (checkUpgradeKeySetLP(pkgSetting, pkg)) {
// We just determined the app is signed correctly, so bring
// over the latest parsed certs.
pkgSetting.signatures.mSignatures = pkg.mSignatures;
} else {
if ((parseFlags & PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM_DIR) == 0) {
throw new PackageManagerException(INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE,
"Package " + pkg.packageName + " upgrade keys do not match the "
+ "previously installed version");
} else {
pkgSetting.signatures.mSignatures = pkg.mSignatures;
String msg = "System package " + pkg.packageName
+ " signature changed; retaining data.";
reportSettingsProblem(Log.WARN, msg);
} else {
try {
verifySignaturesLP(pkgSetting, pkg);
// We just determined the app is signed correctly, so bring
// over the latest parsed certs.
pkgSetting.signatures.mSignatures = pkg.mSignatures;
} catch (PackageManagerException e) {

// Verify that this new package doesn't have any content providers
// that conflict with existing packages. Only do this if the
// package isn't already installed, since we don't want to break
// things that are installed.
if ((scanFlags & SCAN_NEW_INSTALL) != 0) {
final int N = pkg.providers.size();
int i;
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
PackageParser.Provider p = pkg.providers.get(i);
if ( != null) {
String names[] =";");
for (int j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
if (mProvidersByAuthority.containsKey(names[j])) {
PackageParser.Provider other = mProvidersByAuthority.get(names[j]);
final String otherPackageName =
((other != null && other.getComponentName() != null) ?
other.getComponentName().getPackageName() : "?");
throw new PackageManagerException(
"Can't install because provider name " + names[j]
+ " (in package " + pkg.applicationInfo.packageName
+ ") is already used by " + otherPackageName);

if (pkg.mAdoptPermissions != null) {
// This package wants to adopt ownership of permissions from
// another package.
for (int i = pkg.mAdoptPermissions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final String origName = pkg.mAdoptPermissions.get(i);
final PackageSetting orig = mSettings.peekPackageLPr(origName);
if (orig != null) {
if (verifyPackageUpdateLPr(orig, pkg)) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Adopting permissions from " + origName + " to "
+ pkg.packageName);
mSettings.transferPermissionsLPw(origName, pkg.packageName);


File dataPath;
if (mPlatformPackage == pkg) {
// The system package is special.
dataPath = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), "system");

pkg.applicationInfo.dataDir = dataPath.getPath();

} else {
// This is a normal package, need to make its data directory.
dataPath = Environment.getDataUserPackageDirectory(pkg.volumeUuid,
UserHandle.USER_OWNER, pkg.packageName);

boolean uidError = false;
if (dataPath.exists()) {
int currentUid = 0;
try {
StructStat stat = Os.stat(dataPath.getPath());
currentUid = stat.st_uid;
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Couldn't stat path " + dataPath.getPath(), e);

// If we have mismatched owners for the data path, we have a problem.
if (currentUid != pkg.applicationInfo.uid) {
boolean recovered = false;
if (currentUid == 0) {
// The directory somehow became owned by root. Wow.
// This is probably because the system was stopped while
// installd was in the middle of messing with its libs
// directory. Ask installd to fix that.
int ret = mInstaller.fixUid(pkg.volumeUuid, pkgName,
pkg.applicationInfo.uid, pkg.applicationInfo.uid);
if (ret >= 0) {
recovered = true;
String msg = "Package " + pkg.packageName
+ " unexpectedly changed to uid 0; recovered to " +
+ pkg.applicationInfo.uid;
reportSettingsProblem(Log.WARN, msg);
if (!recovered && ((parseFlags&PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM) != 0
|| (scanFlags&SCAN_BOOTING) != 0)) {
// If this is a system app, we can at least delete its
// current data so the application will still work.
int ret = removeDataDirsLI(pkg.volumeUuid, pkgName);
if (ret >= 0) {
// TODO: Kill the processes first
// Old data gone!
String prefix = (parseFlags&PackageParser.PARSE_IS_SYSTEM) != 0
? "System package " : "Third party package ";
String msg = prefix + pkg.packageName
+ " has changed from uid: "
+ currentUid + " to "
+ pkg.applicationInfo.uid + "; old data erased";
reportSettingsProblem(Log.WARN, msg);
recovered = true;

// And now re-install the app.
ret = createDataDirsLI(pkg.volumeUuid, pkgName, pkg.applicationInfo.uid,
if (ret == -1) {
// Ack should not happen!
msg = prefix + pkg.packageName
+ " could not have data directory re-created after delete.";
reportSettingsProblem(Log.WARN, msg);
throw new PackageManagerException(
if (!recovered) {
mHasSystemUidErrors = true;
pkg.applicationInfo.dataDir = dataPath.getPath();
if (mShouldRestoreconData) {
Slog.i(TAG, "SELinux relabeling of " + pkg.packageName + " issued.");
mInstaller.restoreconData(pkg.volumeUuid, pkg.packageName,
pkg.applicationInfo.seinfo, pkg.applicationInfo.uid);
} else {
if ((parseFlags & PackageParser.PARSE_CHATTY) != 0)
Log.v(TAG, "Want this data dir: " + dataPath);
//invoke installer to do the actual installation
int ret = createDataDirsLI(pkg.volumeUuid, pkgName, pkg.applicationInfo.uid,

pkgSetting.uidError = uidError;

final String path = scanFile.getPath();
final String cpuAbiOverride = deriveAbiOverride(pkg.cpuAbiOverride, pkgSetting);

if ((scanFlags & SCAN_NEW_INSTALL) == 0) {
derivePackageAbi(pkg, scanFile, cpuAbiOverride, true /* extract libs */);

// Some system apps still use directory structure for native libraries
// in which case we might end up not detecting abi solely based on apk
// structure. Try to detect abi based on directory structure.
if (isSystemApp(pkg) && !pkg.isUpdatedSystemApp() &&
pkg.applicationInfo.primaryCpuAbi == null) {
setBundledAppAbisAndRoots(pkg, pkgSetting);

} else {

// Set native library paths again. For moves, the path will be updated based on the
// ABIs we've determined above. For non-moves, the path will be updated based on the
// ABIs we determined during compilation, but the path will depend on the final
// package path (after the rename away from the stage path).

if (DEBUG_INSTALL) Slog.i(TAG, "Linking native library dir for " + path);
final int[] userIds = sUserManager.getUserIds();
synchronized (mInstallLock) {
// Make sure all user data directories are ready to roll; we're okay
// if they already exist
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(pkg.volumeUuid)) {
for (int userId : userIds) {
if (userId != 0) {
mInstaller.createUserData(pkg.volumeUuid, pkg.packageName,
UserHandle.getUid(userId, pkg.applicationInfo.uid), userId,

// Create a native library symlink only if we have native libraries
// and if the native libraries are 32 bit libraries. We do not provide
// this symlink for 64 bit libraries.
if (pkg.applicationInfo.primaryCpuAbi != null &&
!VMRuntime.is64BitAbi(pkg.applicationInfo.primaryCpuAbi)) {
final String nativeLibPath = pkg.applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir;
for (int userId : userIds) {
if (mInstaller.linkNativeLibraryDirectory(pkg.volumeUuid, pkg.packageName,
nativeLibPath, userId) < 0) {
throw new PackageManagerException(INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR,
"Failed linking native library dir (user=" + userId + ")");
ArrayList<PackageParser.Package> clientLibPkgs = null;

// We also need to dexopt any apps that are dependent on this library. Note that
// if these fail, we should abort the install since installing the library will
// result in some apps being broken.
if (clientLibPkgs != null) {
if ((scanFlags & SCAN_NO_DEX) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < clientLibPkgs.size(); i++) {
PackageParser.Package clientPkg = clientLibPkgs.get(i);
int result = mPackageDexOptimizer.performDexOpt(clientPkg,
null /* instruction sets */, forceDex,
(scanFlags & SCAN_DEFER_DEX) != 0, false);
if (result == PackageDexOptimizer.DEX_OPT_FAILED) {
throw new PackageManagerException(INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT,
"scanPackageLI failed to dexopt clientLibPkgs");

// Request the ActivityManager to kill the process(only for existing packages)
// so that we do not end up in a confused state while the user is still using the older
// version of the application while the new one gets installed.
if ((scanFlags & SCAN_REPLACING) != 0) {
pkg.applicationInfo.uid, "replace pkg");

// Also need to kill any apps that are dependent on the library.
if (clientLibPkgs != null) {
for (int i=0; i<clientLibPkgs.size(); i++) {
PackageParser.Package clientPkg = clientLibPkgs.get(i);
clientPkg.applicationInfo.uid, "update lib");

// Make sure we're not adding any bogus keyset info
KeySetManagerService ksms = mSettings.mKeySetManagerService;

